Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We pay attention to the protection of your data and the quality of browsing. We always strive to make you satisfied with the browsing experience on our website, so we use cookies and analytics tools to help ensure both the relevance of the content we create and the quality of the services we provide.

1.1. Globertop respects the privacy of visitors and customers and ensures the security and confidentiality of Personal Data provided using the Website’s tools in accordance with the terms set forth in the Privacy Policy. The purpose of the privacy policy is to inform customers and visitors of the website, to protect and defend their personal information from unauthorized use.

1.2. By submitting personal information through our website, you confirm that you agree with the Privacy Policy and the rules specified in it, and you also confirm that your personal information will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy. We draw your attention to the fact that the Privacy Policy is mandatory for any person who visits our website and/or uses the tools installed on it, orders services and otherwise uses the Website or its part, as well as any tools or any other content of the Website. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use the Website and any services, tools available on the Website or any other content of the Website.

1.3 The tools installed on our website make it possible to use it anonymously, i.e. i.e. use in such a way that only anonymous information about you is collected on the website. The website can be used anonymously by both visitors and customers who are not registered on our website. The website can be used anonymously until you decide otherwise or until you decide to perform actions on the website that require the disclosure of your personal information (for example, registering, creating an Account or connecting to your Account, placing an order for services (including placing an order as a guest), etc.) .

1.4. Please note that the website does not automatically collect any of your Personal Data. The cookies used on the website are intended to ensure the correct operation of the website and your browsing experience, and thanks to the received statistical data of the website, we can improve our website and our direct and indirect marketing. When browsing our website, integrated cookies automatically collect: page attendance rates, the path of visited URL links and statistics, website loading time while browsing, the type of browser used, the device used, IP address, geographic location and information contained in cookies. These data are not associated with the Personal Information provided by you. This data is archived and used only for statistical analysis, evaluation of website visitors and/or customer flows.

1.5. In accordance with the Privacy Policy, Globertop has the right to use the Personal Information provided by you for its own internal purposes, including contacting you by phone, e-mail, in order to provide information related to electronic inquiries and transactions and to inform you about updates to the services and website.

1.5.1 The website uses the Google Tag Manager program developed and provided by Google Inc. (hereinafter “Google”), which is used to perform website analysis services. Google Tag Manager uses cookies that allow us to analyze how you use the website. The information generated by the cookie about how you use the Website (together with the IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information in order to be able to analyze your use of the Website, prepare reports on the popularity of the Website for its operator and perform other services related to the Website and its use. Google may transfer this information to third parties if required by applicable law or if these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. After making certain settings in your browser software, you can prevent Google from installing Cookies, but we draw your attention to the fact that in this case you may not be able to fully use all the functions of the Website. By using the Website, you agree and confirm that all data related to your activity on the Website may be used by Google for the purposes and methods listed above.

1.5.2. Other cookies used on the website: Google Analytics, HotJar, Mailerlite, Facebook (Pixel) You can learn more about the cookies used by Facebook here. You can learn more about the cookies used by Google here. You can find out more about the cookies used by Hotjar here. You can find out more about the cookies Mailerlite uses here.

1.5.3. By using our website, you confirm that you agree and allow cookies to be saved on your device (computer, phone, etc.). However, with the help of your browser software, you can block the use of cookies and remove persistent cookies at any time. For more information on how to manage Cookies in your browser, see here.

1.6. Globertop does not give third parties access to your Personal Information, nor does it sell any information about you to any third parties without your separate consent.

1.7. We will only send you commercial/advertising information – newsletters and another. Your consent is voluntary and not mandatory and may be withdrawn at any time.

1.8. We strive to ensure the security of our visitors’ and/or customers’ data and transmitted information by using reasonable physical, electronic and procedural means and methods to protect the information we hold (including Anonymous Information) from loss, theft or any unauthorized use, disclosure or alteration. .

1.9. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that despite the fact that we use reasonable measures for data protection, we cannot and do not guarantee the security of your Personal Information, as it is provided or collected online. Also, the measures we use may not be sufficient if you personally do not follow the safety rules when using the Internet. Therefore, we recommend that you exercise caution and choose smart protective measures.

1.10. This Privacy Policy governs only the use and disclosure of information that we collect from you through our website, the website may contain links to other websites. We do not control the content of these websites and are not responsible for their content.

1.11. Globertop reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy or any part thereof and any information related thereto from time to time in its sole discretion.

Terms used in the privacy policy:

Personal data – personal information about a visitor and/or customer who is a natural person. Personal data is considered to be any information related to a natural person – a data subject whose identity is known or can be determined directly or indirectly using such data as a personal code, contact information, one or more physical, physiological, psychological, economic characteristics characteristic of a person. , signs of a cultural or social nature.

Cookies are small text files that a website stores on your computer or mobile smart device when you visit it. It allows the website to “remember” your actions and preferences (such as relevant contact details, language or other display options) for a certain period of time, so that you do not have to re-enter them, choose them each time you visit the website or navigate through its various pages.

To inform us about a violation of the Privacy Policy, if you have questions, claims or if you need our help regarding the interpretation of the Privacy Policy or its application, please contact us by e-mail. by mail: or telephone +370 622 90832

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